Senior Project Source
Senior English
Miss Hill
In order to synthesize your research, you will need to
review many sources, take notes, and use proper citation in your paper.
You will also need to reflect on the information given by the
“expert.” We are going to work
in class on some of these sources.
Here are some guidelines
about sources for your Senior Project:
- You
will need between 7 – 10 sources
- At
least 1 of those sources must be an interview that you will conduct
with an “expert” about the topic
- At
least 1 of those sources must be from an online database
- At
least 1 of those sources must be from a web site
- At
least 1 of those sources must be a published fiction text, song, or
- At
least 1 of those sources must be a “non-text” source such as a
- You
will need to complete an evaluation sheet for every source in your project
- You
will need to have either note cards or journal entries from your reading of
all of your sources
- For
each note, include a code that matches with your evaluation sheets so that
you can identify where the note comes from, also include the page number
- For
each note, identify if the note is a direct quote by using quotation marks
or a paraphrase
- All
of your note cards / journal entries and evaluation sheets must be in your
Senior Project Journal. This
journal could be a section of your binder or it could be in a separate
notebook where you attach the information into the notebook.
You must also include all handouts from me about the Senior Project,
including your “Research Process and Product” packet.
Always have at least one
source reading that you have not read yet and your Senior Project journal with
you in class. You never know when I
will give you time to work on your Senior Project in class.
We will be creating 3
source papers that will be draft portions of your Senior Project.
More details to follow.