Senior Project Outline Guidelines                                                   Miss Hill’s Senior English Class

Name:  __________________________                        Block:  ______          Date:  ____________


The date for the outline is Monday, January 7, 2002.  Here are the guidelines.


  1. Read the blue Research packet about outlines.  There is an example of a traditional outline there as well.
  2. Your outline will be on a separate page in the written portion of your senior project and should follow the “Roman Numeral” format.
  3. The thesis statement / question must be listed at the top of the page.
  4. The first section will be called “Introduction” and the last section will be called “Plan Possibilities.”
  5. The other sections will be up to you and your research findings.
  6. The outline should have a logical organizational structure (cause / effect, chronological, order of importance, etc.).
  7. I would expect every section to have several sub sections.  I would also expect that some sub sections would have sub-sub sections.


Bring in any information that you would need in order to “revise” your outline on Monday, as I will be reviewing outlines with you then.  I will be collecting the outline on this date.


Grading Rubric for Outline


Possible Points

Your Points

The outline indicates enough of the structure and content of the written paper that the reader of the outline can identify the writer’s line of thinking.  The sections include “Introduction” and “Plan Possibilities” as well as 5-7 other sections.  Each section has enough sub-sub sections as necessary to help the reader.




The thesis statement is listed in the proper format.  The outline follows the proper “Roman Numeral” format. 









PS – I have created a web page that provides you with all of the information (hopefully) that you will need to bring your Senior Project to a finish.  The web site is:

I have gathered information about where you can find more sources, copies of most of my handouts, links that help with citation information, and more.  Check it out!  Yes, you are welcome (grin).


By the way, if you have not completed your 3 Source Papers yet, please complete them as soon as possible.  We are getting dangerously close to the end.