If you are a
Thank you for taking the time to browse
through the various pages to
gain a better idea of some of the ways that
I have merged my expertise in
technology and my love of education. If you are a
teacher or student teacher who is looking for ideas: Welcome! This site
provides a place to gather the various activities, lesson plans, assignments, and such that I have created. Please feel free to browse around and use what is useful for you and your classes. RUTGERS:
If you are a member of Professor
Michael Smith's class,
please click here
to access the page I created just for
you! If you are
a student: You have probably been sent here to complete an assignment. Follow your instructions, and happy learning! |
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you will find material that I have
created to foster the integration of
technology into the classroom.
(Internet Activities, Integrated
Lesson Plans, Class Resources)
Development Resources
(Presentations and Hot Links)
Infrastructure Resources
(Example technology plan with network
design for a one-school district,
includes diagrams of design)